She Santa Monica Studio (known as Santa Monica Studio, LLC) is an American computer game developer and part of Worldwide Studios, who are owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Founded in 1999, the company is known for the development of the God-of-War series and is located in California Los Angeles.
A few days ago the PORT GOD OF WAR for PC was finally confirmed, however, it will not be Sony Santa Monica Studio who develops it. Instead, it will be the Canadian study Jetpack Interactive responsible for attracting this acclaimed title to PC, but quiet, that the project will be supervised by the creator of the saga.
Although jetpack interactive is not a very sound name within the industry, they have worked on several important franchises, such as Dark Souls and Plants vs Zombies, so they certainly have the credentials for Manage a project like this.
The Japanese giant is working on bringing its sucker portfolio to a greater audience, so God of War will not be the last port of PLAYSTATION to arrive at PC. We do not know exactly what other games go to take to other platforms, but The Last of Us and Ghost of Tsushima have been sounding lately.
Editor s Note: Do not worry, which hardly this type of ports develop internally. It was also the case with the PORT Horizon Zero Dawn, that although it had a few initial problems, the experience in general was quite solid in PC.
Via: VGC
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